Monday, August 12, 2024

Swan Song by Elin Hilderbrand

I love Elin Hild
erbrand Not a Swan Song, more like a Turkey Screech. I was really disappointed in Swan Song. I've liked so many of Elin's books and always looked forward to them. The last few have injected politics into the fray, which totally distracts from the story. And it's as if her last book (supposedly final book, though she admits in the acknowledgements it might not be her last....The Tom Brady of Fiction?) she thought, "well, if I'm going out, might as well inject all my political ideals into the book! We had to slog through environmentalism, racism, lesbianism, inter-racial couples, and painting Southern upbringing as typical backwoods, backwards, blue collar, stupid people. But it's not like any of those topics helped the story or fit, it's as if she was using those topics to say, "Look how elitist and progressive I am!" She also had explict sex scenes which I don't remember in any of her previous books. And though there were only a few, WHY? A good author is able to leave details to the imagination of the reader. Once she got passed the progressive notes, the book turned into a delightful usual Elin novel. We focused on the characters, their drama, and things were going well in the middle of the book, and then it turned the last few chapters. Extremely rushed. The characters became caricatures. The ending was neatly wrapped up in three pages. Super disappointed. I usually can't put her books down...this one I put down so many times at being put off by the various things I mentioned, and then literally rolled my eyes at the ending. If you're a die hard Elin fan, by all means, you'll love it. If you are a discerning reader that dislikes tropes, skip it and choose any book of Elin's but Swan Song...

Snake Oil by Kelsey Rae Dimberg

Amazing. The author (new to me), is brilliant. A true artist. Very few words wasted in this twisty turny novel. 3 women: One is the creator of a female health and wellness company that utilizes all the social media to LIFT her brand (iykyk). One woman started with the brand in the beginning days and has benefited from the products (so she believes) and is a devoted fan. One woman works for the brand, befriends the devoted worker/fan, but had a different experience and is bitter. There is a twisty turn. And, oddly enough, the character that I was sure I wasn't going to be rooting for, I actually found myself rooting for in the end. I couldn't put the book down (that alone deserves 5 stars as I start and stop many many books and few rarely hold my attention). Could easily go from book to screen, and I hope if it does, they stick to the story. In a fair world, this would spend a year on the Best Seller list. Release Date: September 14, 2024

Friday, March 3, 2023

Under The Influence by Noelle Crooks

Under The Influence by Noelle Crooks

 People! Read this book!

This book was not on my radar until my daughter (a Rachel Hollis ex fan) asked me if it was on NetGalley. I feel very  lucky to have got an advanced copy of Under the Influence by Noelle Crooks. I know very little about the Hollis drama, and this IS a fictionalized tale, but I could easily see this happening not only with Rachel Hollis and many influencers. I've also had this happen in my life when I worked sales for a Fortune 500 company; I'm sure many readers will recognize and have experienced the toxic traits of the lead antagonist, Charlotte. 

Devil Wears Prada meets Influencers nails the "elevator pitch.' However, I found this book far easier to read, and more engaging. I can't quit put my finger on WHY but I did enjoy it more than Devil Wears Prada. It's a fast read. I appreciated that the romance was kept PG and that the book focused more on Harper and her friendships and family. 

Will be recommending to everyone. You don't have to be an ex Hollis fan to enjoy this book - it's great entertainment no matter who you are. #BestFiction #ReadThisPeople 

Tentative Release Date: August 8 2023 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Just Tyrus


Just Tyrus is the true story of Tyrus – a celebrity known well in the wrestling world, Snoop Dog world, and Conservative talk show world. 

I came to know of Tyrus through the talk show Gutfeld! Not only is he funny, but this black man also speaks profound common sense. 

I love the audio book because he reads it himself, and his voice is familiar and oddly, relaxing!

His story is one of a really tough upbringing. However, Tyrus does not dwell in Victimhood. He dwells in Rising Above, Learning and Leveling Up, Failing Forward. 

His youthful stories are sad (but he does not spin them as sad, he puts a humorous twist on them, or/and doesn’t dwell on the crappy situations he was in). It is what it is. 

I sometimes find myself sinking into “if only” excuses, and Just Tyrus is a great reminder to not dwell, keep moving forward, reinvent and pivot as often as you need to or want to. 

11/10 stars! Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for blessing this book into my life!


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Bone by Bone - Geralyn Ritter

 The true story about a woman that survived the Amtrak crash in 2008 outside of Philadelphia. Her horrific injuries. Her wonderful family and friends and how they rallied around her. 

If this were a Fiction story, I'd say, "C'mon, there is just NO WAY." but this is a real story. 

If you think you are having a bad day, I guarantee you this will put things in perspective. 

The writing is conversational and pulls you in. You won't be able to put it down. 

There is a bit of faith woven in the book, but not so much that a person of non-faith would be "put off" by it. 

A true testament to the power of the body, of doctors (and I am NOT a fan of the commercialized medical community these days) and nurses, and medicine. 

A testament to the power of family and friends. And a testament to the power of the mind/body connection. 

Though Mrs. Ritter still rides trains, I'll have to admit, I'm now afraid to!


Not In Vain, A Promise Kept by Melissa Mullamphy


Not in Vain, A Promise Kept by Melissa Mullamphy. 


A must read for anyone. 

Told in such a dynamic, conversational tone, that I felt at times I was actually the author's friend, and I could call her up and say, "Wow, that part was so sad, amazing, made me so angry..."

I generally dislike the F word being used in books and movies because it cheapens the "need" for it. However, author Melissa uses the F word and this book and these events are EXACTLY when/why the F word SHOULD be used. 

This is a story about a wonderful family; hard working, loving, loyal. Melissa's mother watches Dr. Oz and realizes her extended abdomen that she has been hiding from everyone is ovarian cancer. 

This is about the journey (quite short) of going to the ER for the abdomen swelling to the untimely death of her mother. Horrible mistakes were made. The author is still having a hard time (after ten years) of dealing with the loss. This is a beautiful, sad, loving, tribute to her mother, Constance Burns. And it's also a sort of "how to navigate" and "how to advocate" for yourself or a loved one. 

What struck me most, was the tight family bond this family shared. Many people lack those bonds in todays society. I have long been an outspoken person like Melissa. I've had to advocate for myself and my family. I understand what it's like, so this book resonated with me. I feel it would be a wonderful helpful book to ANYONE (I think it should be required reading in highschool!) because there will always be sickness, there will always be human errors, and one needs to be prepared to advocate for oneself (especially today when hospitals are limiting visits  - a practice I'm afraid is here to stay because it's "less work" when there is a family member advocating for patients). 

Mrs. Burns sounds like a great woman, gone far too soon, and this book is a treasure, one I wish I didn't have to be written, but no doubt, will help countless people. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Sewing Love by Sanae Ishida

 I totally related to the story behind Sewing Love. Intimated by THE MACHINE, the TOOLs, the LANGUAGE. I bought a machine in the winter and it sat. I watched plenty of youtube videos. I read books and magazines. And still. I made some horrible (but funny!) items. Author Ishida addresses what seems to be the big sewing elephant in the newbie room: anxiety about....everything. Mainly, though, anxiety about getting started, "Doing the Damn The Thing." Her story is relatable and humorous. Ishida then offers patterns (slopers) that can be customized - tops/dresses/tunics, bottoms, outerwear. 

Highly recommend for the conversational tone and ease at learning. 

To be fair, I have not attempted to make anything, only because there isn't time at the moment. However! I fully feel when I have time to do create,  Ishida has given me the confidence I need to forge ahead! Available date on or around August 2022.