Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fortitude By Dan Crenshaw

 Be a 'victor and not a victim' I need to remind myself of this daily, and I believe America as a whole would benefit by this mindset. 

Mr. Crenshaw talks about his SEAL training ...BUDS....and how it affected his life. He was raised with a working ethic and that also helped him in life.  He talks about  the IED that led to the long road back to returning to a SEAL team. This was so inspirational and moving. Also a message for me: never complain. Stay true in your beliefs. 

He states about the "outrage culture": 'A culture characterized by self pity, indulgence, outrage and resentment is a culture that will fall apart'. He also states that culture should be 'grit, discipline and self-reliance'. Words of reflection and motivation. 

A wonderful, authentic, motivational book. Thank you, Mr. Crenshaw, for your service to our Great Country. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for blessing me with an ARC!

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